Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Why One Social Media Campaign Works and Another Fails

There is no secret formula for how social media works and what needs to be done explicitly to maximize its effectiveness. There is a secret, but it is a well known one. The secret is to consistently create engaging content that encourages visitors to share it, view it, and ultimately become a customer because of it. But some social media developers and companies miss that ground between making something sharable and viral and actually making them a paying customer. Purchasing a product makes them money. 10,000 retweets, on the other hand, does not.

Promoting and Reacting

Social media marketing plan is a give and take. In other words, it takes a balance of adding content and engaging with other content to work. For example, a brand Facebook page should not only be used as a tool to promote something new. The best brands do some other things, including commenting on fan posts on their wall, following pages, and interacting with the social media community on a deeper level. This idea of constant promotional pushes can become exhausting. It is part of the reason why MySpace became so unpopular so quickly. It became saturated with marketers just promoting over and over again. One of the main reasons Facebook social media marketing plan works is because of that balance between content engagement and promotion.
The Unnatural Spin

It is easy to supply generic content through social networking for business that mimes the same stuff being said over and over again. It becomes difficult to be original every single time out with social media infused content. This is an unrealistic goal. But every once in search engine optimization training awhile, content should be legitimately fresh. It should provide something that does not follow cookie cutter conventions. One easy way to do that is through localizing the content so it is specific to a certain city or demographic. For example, an article such as 'healthiest food dishes' could be turned to 'spiciest organic food dishes.' The idea is the same, but the specific nature of the article content gives it a more focused retention and deeper penetration into the niche.

The main reason for the failure of social media as a whole is a brand's inability to convert visitors to viable buyers. Getting the audience is the first major obstacle. But once it is there, how is it harnessed? S2 Local Marketing is one of the leading innovators in building a long term social media campaign that breaks all the right rules.

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